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Whether you’re starting your learning and self-development journey or just looking to satisfy your curiosity, here’s the right place for you.

Check out the different types of resources below, packed with value that will enhance and boost your learning and self-improvement journey by saving you a ton of time of research, so you can focus on the most important: learning and growing faster and easier.

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Surf a library of more than 100 resources (websites, youtube channels, etc.) in different categories, and kickstart your learning journey.

Wandering what book to read next, or looking for a recommendation? Check out my reading list where I share my great reads and recommendations.

Social media apps are full of noise and distractions, so I made sure to add the best accounts that I personally follow on Twitter, to this list.

Check out my blog where I share my thoughts and ideas on different topics around self-development, business, and philosophy.

Check out my podcast (in Arabic) where I share my thoughts and ideas on different topics in a more transparent and personal way.

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